Christmas Countdown

Christmas Countdown

Craft one of these sweet Advent calendars.

Lollipop Tree

This will be a “pop”-ular way to count down to Christmas! Tissue-covered Dum Dum Pops or similar lollipops are disguised as colorful ornaments on this Advent calendar that pulls double-duty as festive holiday décor.

  • To create the textured tree, cut green paper napkins into approximately 2 ½-inch squares.
    • Press three napkin squares at a time into a Styrofoam craft cone at their center using the blunt end of a bamboo skewer (adults only, please). Press them in twice for security. Begin along the bottom and continue up in rows to the top.
    • Once the tree is completely covered, insert 24 pops. Remove one pop each day until Christmas.

Paper Cone Tree

Hide a small, wrapped candy or other goodie under each paper tree for a fun “tree”-t. The large group of trees makes dramatic holiday décor on a fireplace mantel, buffet, entry table or windowsill.

  • Trace different sizes of plates (circles) onto the back of assorted-patterned papers and/or cardstocks. You’ll need 12 circles.
    • Cut each circle in half and roll into a cone. Tape or glue closed to secure.
    • Punch out 24 stars using a star paper punch or scissors, number them 1-24, and
    adhere to tree tops.

Punch-out Countdown

This Advent calendar has the fun of a carnival game. Kids will enjoy poking through the tissue paper each day for a surprise treat.

  • Use small (2-ounce) condiment cups to create punch-out treats for this interactive calendar. These are usually found near the disposable paper products in the grocery store or you can use clean,
    recycled ones for this project. For example, save up small fruit or applesauce cups to use for larger punch-out cups.
    • Sand the rims of 24 cups for good adhesion. Place a small, wrapped candy in each cup. Then, using a small paintbrush, coat each rim with white glue and place a square of tissue paper on top.
    • Once dry, trim excess tissue paper with scissors and adhere each cup to a tree-shaped base (craft foam, felt, poster board, foam board, etc.) with a low-temp hot glue gun.


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