Are blood clots dangerous during periods?

Are blood clots dangerous during periods?

Transmission of blood clots during menstruation may be normal. The amount, length and frequency of menstrual bleeding vary from month to month and from woman to woman. Are blood clots dangerous during periods?

What is the period like?

Menstruation has the right to be different for every woman. It usually lasts from 3 to 7 days, and its main symptom is the passage of quite dark secretions, i.e. blood. Usually the bleeding increases in the first two days of menstruation, followed by a decrease in blood secretion. Blood clots should not worry about women, unless they are very large, in addition, menstruation lasts more than a week and is accompanied by severe pain.

Blood clots during the period – causes

One of the causes of blood clots may be hormonal imbalance. It can occur in young girls who have just started menstruating and in women just after giving birth. Most often it is a harmless symptom that passes with the hormone level adjusting. Very often women who have very heavy menstruation complain about their occurrence. All because of the lack of iron needed to make the anticoagulant. With normal bleeding, it prevents blood from clotting so that the body can clear itself of it. In the case of excessive bleeding, it “wears out” faster, which is why clots start to appear.

Menstruation with blood clots may also be indicative of endometriosis (or wandering endometrium or endometriosis). This disease is accompanied by painful and heavy bleeding, pain during intercourse, fertility problems, constant fatigue. The condition is the proliferation of the lining of the womb (endometrium) to other organs, such as the ovaries, bladder, and even the digestive system, such as the intestine. It can take place without symptoms even for several years, and if left untreated, it threatens a woman’s life.

Are blood clots dangerous during periods?

Hormonal disorders

Blood clots that appear during menstruation should not surprise anyone. It’s an epithelium that peels off monthly, causing vaginal bleeding. However, if there are too many clots, and the woman is struggling with excessive bleeding, this may be due to hormonal disorders. Problems with hormones is not only ailment of women who have been menstruating for several years. Clots also often appear in young girls and in new-born mothers. However, this symptom disappears quickly after appropriate pharmacological treatment.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids, also known as fibroids, may be responsible for the appearance of clots. They arise (like polyps) due to elevated estrogen levels. They are rather benign nodules composed of the same muscles as the walls of the uterus. And although the vast majority of fibroids are benign nodules, there are cases of fibroids – malignant neoplasms.


Recently, more and more often talk is about endometriosis, i.e. chronic and progressive inflammatory disease in women. One of the characteristic symptoms of endometriosis is pain located in the pelvic area. It appears not only during menstruation, but also during ovulation or sex. Pain is also accompanied by heavy menstrual periods, problems with becoming pregnant and chronic fatigue.




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